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Colds, flu and allergies can cause unpleasant symptoms like a phlegmy cough or snotty sinuses.1 ACC® gets to work fast,2-4 helping you to get rid of sticky, thick snot and phlegm.2-6

ACC® is a mucolytic, which means it breaks down mucus and phlegm so they become thinner and less sticky.2-6 This makes it easier to get rid of extra snot or phlegm that builds up when you’re sick, either by blowing it out or coughing it up.1,7,8

Fast facts about ACC®


Note: ACC 600® effervescent tablets are suitable for adults and children from the age of 14 years.2 ACC® 200 effervescent tablets and ACC® Oral Solution are suitable for adults and children from the age of 2 years.3,4

How does ACC® work?

The active ingredient in ACC® is called acetylcysteine (uh-see-tuhl-si-steen).2-4,10 This ingredient works directly on the thick mucus and phlegm that clogs up your airways when you’re struggling with a cold, flu or allergies.1,5,6

Did you know? ACC® also has antioxidant properties.2-4,11

Acetylcysteine breaks down the bonds that hold the mucus and phlegm together and makes it thinner, so it’s easier for you to cough it up or blow it out.2-6,12

Did you know? Research shows that acetylcysteine improves the clearing of mucus from the airways by up to 35%.7,8

What is ACC® used for?

ACC® helps to treat wet cough and sinus congestion throughout the year, no matter the season.2-6,13-15

Choose ACC® to help you and your family when you need to get rid of the unwelcome Snotties and Phlegmings.2-4

  1. What is mucus? Learn how to get rid of it. MedicineNet. Accessed May 31, 2021.
  2. Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 600 (effervescent tablets). Professional information. 02 November 2021.
  3. Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 20 mg/ml Oral Solution. Professional information. 05 October 2021.
  4. Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 200 (effervescent tablets). Professional information. 08 July 2020.
  5. Kryukov AI, Turovsky AB, Izotova GN, et al. Treatment of acute sinusitis. Russian Medical Journal. 2012;9:458-488.
  6. Zaitseva OV. Rational choice of mucolytic therapy in treatment of respiratory diseases in children. Russian Medical Journal. 2009;17(19):1217-1221.
  7. Helms S, Miller A. Natural treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Altern Med Rev. 2006;11:196-207.
  8. Todisco T, Polidori R, Rossi F, et al. Effect of N-acetylcysteine in subjects with slow pulmonary mucociliary clearance. Eur J Respir Dis Suppl. 1985;139:136-141.
  9. Osman L. What’s a medicine schedule? The Self-Medication Manufacturers Association of South Africa (SMASA).
  10. How to pronounce acetylcysteine - Google search. Accessed June 10, 2021.
  11. Aldini G, Altomare A, Baron G, et al. N-acetylcysteine as an antioxidant and disulphide breaking agent: the reasons why. Free Radical Research. 2018;52(7):751-762.
  12. Zeiger R. Prospects for ancillary treatment of sinusitis in the 1990s. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992;90(3):478-495.
  13. Price RHM, Graham C, Ramalingam S. Association between viral seasonality and meteorological factors. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):929.
  14. Green RJ, Davis G, Price D. Concerns of patients with allergic rhinitis: the allergic rhinitis care programme in South Africa. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 2007;16(5):299-303.
  15. Green RJ, Zar HJ, Jeena PM, et al. South African guideline for the diagnosis, management and prevention of acute viral bronchiolitis in children. South African Medical Journal. 2010;100(5):320.


Sidebar References
  1. Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 600 (effervescent tablets). Professional information. 02 November 2021.
  2.  Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 20 mg/ml Oral Solution. Professional information. 05 October 2021.
  3. Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd. ACC® 200 (effervescent tablets). Professional information. 08 July 2020.


ACC® 600
[S1] ACC® 600 (effervescent tablets). Reg. No.: 45/10.3/0229. Composition: Each effervescent tablet contains 600 mg acetylcysteine. ATC Code: R05CB01.
ACC® Oral Solution
[S1] ACC® 20 mg/ml Oral Solution. Reg. No.: 48/10.3/0261. Composition: Each 1 ml of ACC 20 mg/ml ORAL SOLUTION contains 20 mg acetylcysteine. ATC Code: R05CB01.
ACC® 200
[S1] ACC® 200 (effervescent tablets). Reg. No.: 29/10.2.2/0753. Composition: Each ACC 200 effervescent tablet contains: 200 mg acetylcysteine. Pharmacological Classification: A10.3 Medicines acting on the respiratory system – other.
For full prescribing information refer to the Sandoz Professional Information approved by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA).

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